Rick and Anthony traveled back in time, sharing a taxi. They talked about undoing life events. Rick had run away from home when he was 14. In their church visits and book-reading sessions, they hardly had any time to deal with the growing questions of a teenager that Rick was. One day he decided to join a gypsy-group and embarked on an adventure. 8 years had passed by and every day he woke up ,and felt like his journey hadn’t even started. Anthony however didn’t question his choices the same way. At the age of 16, he had already met fame with his extraordinary stone-art. He started coloring stones in his backyard when he was a 7-year old boy and in less than a decade had created exhibits installed in various tourist sites. His artwork was revolutionary and beautiful. His early celebrity status boosted his ego and made him trust his choices. He would speak of his work in meetings, workshops and various other social gatherings, with great pride. In one of those social stages, he met another budding artist who was curious to understand how Anthony was able to achieve the unimaginable depth in the embedded paintings. In vanity and naivety, Anthony blurted out the greatest secret of his craft. It took less than a year; he fell into anonymity faster than he rose to his fame. Betrayal, that’s what he called it.
The two blamed their age, immaturity and how there was no one to show them the correct path. As they shared their disappointments, there were verbal lashes, but there were also pearls of wisdom. There was anger but there was understanding. There was a longing to undo but several questions about what to do. They had lost their time, they thought.
As they passed the joint to each other and exhaled out of their systems, they stared at the smoke that filled the room; it was like their regrets - wasteful.