
Life is a long, wondrous and continuous introduction to yourself.

The act of creation — it leads me to unknown places. Only to make me realize that all was known, always. And yet, I live every day with the hope that I’ll explore, create and grow into someone new. Because what’s life if not a long, wondrous and continuous introduction to yourself.

In this journey, music lives by my side. I find melody in my writing, and a lot of writing in my melodies. Sometimes, I hear songs in the bubbles of boiling tamarind water. Or in the stroke of red paint over the canvas. Or in the giggles of a child after a good joke. Tunes find their way even into my boredom, curiosity and the thoughts in between. And a rhythm taps into my sorrow, so it can take the leap to laughter.

Such is music. Such is life — yours and mine.


Anno Domini 2010

January : Quit employer.

February : Moved to a new city.

February : Joined another employer.

March : Got wasted.

March : Found someone.

April : Wild bike trip to god's own country.

May : Drove up the hills.

June : Traveled to the land of south east asians.

June : For the first time, personal choice superseded demands of the world.

July : Moved in with my weird haired man.

August : Writing and creativity took a leap.

September : Realized i can drive to make records.

September : Watched people run 42Kms.

October : Picked a beautiful green.

November : Love confronted family.

December : Jog falls, Wayanad and decided to get hitched.

2011, show me what you got!
