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Going gaga

Life is shifting. Shifting to a weird zone. Things i have known,liked but never admitted to have been influenced by. I shall list them down in the order of dis-order.

  • Cleanliness freak? Oh, i probably was just living by the rules of a clean life. I am lazy now. I clear, clean whenever i feel like and not whenever i "should" feel like.
  • Spend when needed? It's spend whenever you can. So, no track of money, finance and how i should manage them.
  • Get excited about a vacation? Oh. Now, i try to stay excited about the rest of the life.
  • Wonder about where life is going? Let life take its own course. I am actually going with the flow.
  • Ponder over how good you are? Let everyone else figure that out.
  • Let the world make you happy? Make yourself happy.
  • Listen to "great music"? Love pop!

Yes. I am going gaga over all the songs i would like but have been denying till now because that is not great material. While i still love "the great music", i think, my "sub-standard" choices make me happy.

Cheers to a happy life.