3 jobs, 3 countries and uncountable unaccounted stories later, i am back , yes, the place i started from.
I had forgotten this space for quite sometime, just checking updates from blog friends for whom i had email notifications. Well, it's yet not i know what i am doing state, but yes, i can retrospect and reflect for sometime.
Australia introduced me to distinctly different facets of me, personally and in a way, professionally too. I was a sales person, a bar tender and an IT professional(3 jobs). I was a woman, a student and a scared housemate who emerged with troubles in getting along socially.
All done, i am through it , in some cases positively, in others i prefer not mentioning. All came with un-ignorable learnings and hazy thoughts.
I have loved that country. A place i found had extreme respect for every individual. It showed no or ignorable concern towards any feudalistic mindset. No one was judged according to what they did. People had a way of life. Live your way, love it your way and don't give a damn to what others think. Ofcourse, the convenience of money played a huge part for the people.
Beauty in this place is in abundance and nature sits as comfortably as most of the people in this place. Melbourne was my favorite in my entire investigation on which place i would like to stay in.
My social circle and people i could bond with, had only started expanding when the time to leave was getting closer. It was a nasty game but i think , i enjoyed my last few months in this country more than the time before. Well, that accounts for one country.
In between, i had been to California visiting LA , Grand Canyon and Vegas for , guess what? 6 days! I spent my birthday in the states. I think i was crazy to travel from one end of the world to the other for a week but i had the most comfortable 6 days in the last 400 days. i drove a hummer just before GM decided to close it down. I know i was on cloud 9 when i had that 4 wheeled
Malaysia had already been travelogued in one my previous blogs. Hence, that finishes my 3 countries. I loved all 3 of them for different reasons.
Why am i back?
Logistics. Immigration issues and couldn't manage a decent job in my area so quickly. I was getting more interview calls from India and in any case, i would have wanted to come back to India someday. So, calculated my options and decided to head back.
Job hunt - 4
I had been traveling across the country - Chennai, Bangalore and Delhi and was even supposed to be in Mumbai in between. I got some offers and worked for a couple of agencies on trial basis to assess my comfort level. Ideally, i would have been in Bangalore today since i loved one of the companies i had tried but some unforeseen issues made me change my decision.
So, here i am, back in Delhi, working with a small agency since past 1 week as a Senior Copywriter. It has just started, so nothing much to discuss but as they say, it's a new chapter and there would be some learnings. Some clients i worked for in the past 1 month include : Meena Jewellers, Yahoo, General Motors, Ansal, Hindware and currently am engaged with The Park Group of hotels.
Someday, i would have an update portfolio up here, somewhere, if it's displayable.