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vishu..or wish u a very happy new year

14th of the fourth month of every year.... i am incidently home..wherever..whatever .. i am here with mom,dad nd my twin soul ..my sis to commemorate the beginning of the tamil calendar year...puthandu or vishu

What overwhelms me is the soft tone (which rarely happens wid moms dese days :p) in which my mom wakes me from my slumber ..instructs me not to open my eyes .. holds dem tight wid her palms nd takes me to her small temple ... (i love the blind walk..m giggling almost all the way)and the moment she releases the blindfold of her divine palms...i am out to scream...i am looking at the mirror... he he...we are supposed to see few things like some silver coins,fruits etc which are together called vishukanni .. these things are later to be distributed amongst the poor.

the best part as always is the food.... aviyal,sambhar,rasam,beans,masala vadai... but wait..i somehow couldnt relish it much this time though everything was perfect....been out for long and perpetually having been a restaurant hopper...i somehow had lost the taste for complete home food...i am desperately trying to get back to it... but anyways..payasam always helps me...

Then comes my parents' favourite part...we both will be made to sit and sing as many songs as we can...nd yesterday sadly .. i found my list had steadily declined...i couldnt remember songs...

i need some yem pea threes as fast as possible...

the list of songs lost in time nd memory :

SONG                           RAGAM
Yava Rura                   Mohanam
Meluko vaiya               Bauli
Shanka Chakra          Purna Chandrika
Bhajana Sevaye         Kalyani

Expecting sunson 's collection to come to my rescue...

i was too embarrassed ... forgetting songs feels like i have lost all the treasure i acquired in my younger days....i badly need to catch up...

Rest of the day went meeting up some old pals... its strange how we had come too far away from each other in the little time we are disconnected... that nyway will come in another post....

too bored now... cant wait to begin a new chapter this monday...:)