
Life is a long, wondrous and continuous introduction to yourself.

The act of creation — it leads me to unknown places. Only to make me realize that all was known, always. And yet, I live every day with the hope that I’ll explore, create and grow into someone new. Because what’s life if not a long, wondrous and continuous introduction to yourself.

In this journey, music lives by my side. I find melody in my writing, and a lot of writing in my melodies. Sometimes, I hear songs in the bubbles of boiling tamarind water. Or in the stroke of red paint over the canvas. Or in the giggles of a child after a good joke. Tunes find their way even into my boredom, curiosity and the thoughts in between. And a rhythm taps into my sorrow, so it can take the leap to laughter.

Such is music. Such is life — yours and mine.


some fast updates for d times unreported

29th Jan '06 : GAVE MY FIRST CLASSICAL VOCAL CONCERT IN PUNE!! i was skeptical about doing it after a gap of 2 years...nd my timely ditching vocal chords...but i know i did better dan xpected... The kinda performance i used to give some 6 years back:

Thyagaraja Aradhana 15 mins slot 2 songs...

i was so relieved to have started again!!

3rd Feb 2006 : I QUIT what, why...l8r!

25th and 26th Feb 06: Organised a team event to ROHA - Nature trail and adventure! fun n frolic and another memorable getaway pics here


RDB...hmmm dint find it great! CRASH...zimbly awesome..a must watch PRIDE AND PREJUDICE..good... but donno how much i saw (was lense-less ,specs-less).. so can trust the reviews of a blind woman @ ur own risk.. AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS..i always adored jackie chan dis one wasnt left bhind!!

Food Honey Dukes : The first restaurant i came across which serves coffee in place of mouth freshner...luvd it... good food (continental)..ambience is very very warm....can relax in d mini beanbags...or read through when u wait to dine!

hmm...cant recall more...will start scribbling once i do...chow! :)