
Life is a long, wondrous and continuous introduction to yourself.

The act of creation — it leads me to unknown places. Only to make me realize that all was known, always. And yet, I live every day with the hope that I’ll explore, create and grow into someone new. Because what’s life if not a long, wondrous and continuous introduction to yourself.

In this journey, music lives by my side. I find melody in my writing, and a lot of writing in my melodies. Sometimes, I hear songs in the bubbles of boiling tamarind water. Or in the stroke of red paint over the canvas. Or in the giggles of a child after a good joke. Tunes find their way even into my boredom, curiosity and the thoughts in between. And a rhythm taps into my sorrow, so it can take the leap to laughter.

Such is music. Such is life — yours and mine.



happened some 3 weeks back.....its weird Just had scanned through the daily astrological forecast and some unusual stuff written..

please take care of your eyes today! chances of infection or eye related problems!

what gona stop reading these weird things from now on!

Come afternoon, i wash my face and am on my way to office from home..when suddenly find my vision blurred!!

for the next half an hour i am showing every single soul my wide, stretched open left eye to search for my lenses if they have changed their co-ordinates in the eye plane!!! :ppp

i go back and get my spectacles from home..wear it for an hour or two and then keep it in my box.

An hour later i just pick up the spectacles from the dabba and ye le! no jerks , nothing .. one lens softly leaves the rest of the body!!!

what shit! somebody just says anything and lo there goes my lens and i am left to ponder with a broken spectacle!
