how lost can you get..:)
This is remembering the funniest things me and my dad have done ever... were having a blast last night discussing with friends ...
-- dad used to drop mom office and would leave the two wheeler in her office and take a bus to his workplace.. one such fine day..
he keeps his scooter and sees the bus to be taken just in front of him , happy for his great luck , he hurriedly boards the bus and notices every eye is on him...cant figure out why.... he tracks the direction of everybody's sight... all eyes are on his head...
curious ..what the hell could have gone wrong.. (any guesses???)
he was on board with his helmet!!! :)))
-- i was 13 then , one day my dad asks me to get him a pill (called analgin) for headache
the obedient me.. takes out a pill , goes to the kitchen , picks up a glass and takes water from the earthen pot ........................................................................................ minutes pass and am back in the room..seconds later .. my dad asks 'matra yengai?' ( tamil equivalent of where is the pill?) .. i rewind my memory to recall where the hell did it vanish!!!
the obedient me.. takes out a pill , goes to the kitchen , picks up a glass and takes water from the earthen pot puts the pill in her mouth and pushes it down the throat with water
a burp later .. no sign of the pill